Hi, I’m Jordan
I’m the owner of Practical Puppy Training and co-creator of the YouTube channel The Practical Puppy!
For me, dogs have been a lifetime affair.
When I was 9 my mother started Spring Creek Labradoodles, one of the first three labradoodle programs in the US. She served on the board for the ALAA and focused on producing excellent service and therapy dogs, as well as fantastic pets, in a kennel-free environment.
At first I was only a puppy socializer and “waste management” at Spring Creek. As I grew up I stepped into more critical roles in the program. I not only delivered most of the litters and provided care to the puppies as they grew up. I learned to assess each puppy’s temperament for service or therapy potential, or to match them with their forever home.
Puppies I helped select from litters went on to work for Guide Dogs for the Blind, work in the court system as abused children therapy dogs, or become blood sugar alert dogs, wheelchair assist dogs, etc.
As time went on I stepped into a training role at Spring Creek. I did initial training with puppies retained for the program before they went home to their guardian families.
The dog that you could say started Practical Puppy Training was called Misto. She was a potential girl for the program, and she was mine. I trained her for three months while posting videos of her progress online. She was brilliant. I was so proud of how accomplished she was.
People saw the videos of Misto and started asking if I could train their puppies, too. I didn’t start taking clients right away as I still had a lot to learn. I attended group classes, took online courses, read books, and attended dog training conferences to continue learning how to best work with dogs that would come to me. It has been a joy and adventure!
I have now been developing my Practical Puppy Bootcamp for several years, and have trained dozens of puppies and juvenile dogs through it. You can see the results in the weekly Result Videos on my home page.
While the pups that come for my Bootcamp are taking naps or practicing Place, I also work as an author of fantasy and science fiction. It fits perfectly with the schedule of training! You can check out my books or short story podcast over at JustBJordan.com